2022 - 2024
Developing breakthrough technologies for science and society
ATTRACT is a research initiative funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the domain of detection and imaging technologies across Europe. The goal of the ATTRACT initiative is to identify breakthrough technologies from fundamental research. ATTRACT phase 1 started in 2018, and currently ATTRACT is on phase 2.
One of the activities in ATTRACT phase 2 is the upscaling of the ‘Young Innovator and Entrepreneurs’ pilot from ATTRACT phase 1, in which students applied design thinking methodologies to some of the ATTRACT projects’ technologies to solve societal challenges.ATTRACT phase 2 is designed to create a new generation of researchers who perceive co-innovation between academia, research infrastructures, and commercial organisations as a natural way of working.The student projects are intended to foster a stronger entrepreneurial culture across Europe that uses the concepts and resulting technologies created for research purposes as the starting point for developing products and services for our citizens.
IDBM Industry Project received funding from the ATTRACT Academy student program call for the years 2022-2024. The funding was received for the global SUGAR Network projects in collaboration with Linköping University.
During the 2022/23 academic year, we are working with two emerging technologies from the ATTRACT consortium, Meta Hi-light and IALL. Both technologies are still very much in early development, and our task is to be inspired by these technologies and their capabilities to project into a future when they are ready to be applied. Our two teams have each been assigned one technology and they will study the potential application of the technologies in the broader field of future of food production, with specific focus areas of beekeeping and urban farming.
These student projects approach the application areas very much from a user centric perspective, identifying needs and opportunities where their design interventions can have the biggest impact. Ideally, this approach combined to the emerging technologies development (by the partnering technology research consortium) enables these breakthrough technologies to cross the “valley of death” with an increased probability.
To learn more, reach out to Markku Koskela (
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