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IDBM plays key role in EU funded 2.75Me ATARCA Consortium

An EU grant of €2.75m has been awarded to the Consortium (Aalto, Demos, Streamr, Novact, Qbit) for the ATARCA ( Project. This Horizon 2020 FET Open Project looks towards developing a radically new data economy.
A new economic category for abundant goods — anti-rival goods that increase in value when shared — forms the basis of research. Current data markets are built on centuries old structures of exchange, in which a scarce rival good, such as oil, is traded for its financial equivalent, money.
With a newly received EU Horizon 2020 FET Open award, the ATARCA (Accounting Technologies for Anti-Rival Coordination and Allocation) consortium investigates new economic structures that would alleviate the economic inefficiency caused by artificially limiting the supply of digital goods.
For more information, contact Ville Eloranta (
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