IDBM Challenge 2022: REFRAME - from Tensions to Transitions
✨ What does it take to go from tensions to transitions? Could we solve the energy crisis one household at a time? Which measures should we take to tackle mental health among the youth? How can we make data harvesting more transparent?
✨ What does it take to go from tensions to transitions?
Could we solve the energy crisis one household at a time? Which measures should we take to tackle mental health among the youth? How can we make data harvesting more transparent?
At the IDBM Challenge event you'll meet 11 teams from Aalto University's International Design Business Management programme who will take the stage to share their insights and propose solutions to the global issues of today. We'll also be accompanied by two external speakers sharing their expertise about dealing with transitions themselves.
Curious to hear what the teams have come up with? Then join us Wednesday, 12 October to expand your creative ideas, discover novel solutions and to have fun!
📌 WHAT: IDBM Challenge 2022: Reframe - From tensions to transitions
📌 WHEN: Wednesday, October 12, from 2 pm until 5:30 pm.
📌 WHERE: Dipoli, Metso hall (Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo)
Metso hall has limited seating capacity, so kindly sign up as soon as possible - "first come, first served"! Let's see how we come up with breakthrough transitions from global tensions!